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Sundarua Yoga



5th - 19th January 2020

It is a great joy for me to offer this special retreat for women. Not only because I feel the feminine way  to be an invaluable enrichment and completion of yogic spiritual practice. Also because Auroville is the place of my heart, a place that awakens freedom, beauty, inspiration, and creativity for me.

South India is the cradle of the worship of Shakti, the creative universal energy that is adored as Divine Mother, as Devi. Nature shows itself here from a very luxurious, rich, and lovely side. Coconut palms, gigantic Banyan trees, flowers, dense greenery, the ocean...

I can't imagine a more suitable place to dive into the mysteries of the Yogini tradition.

Female Spiritual Practice

The yogini tradition is a hidden one. There's hardly any written material. And yet this line of wise women exists. It is stored in our collective memory and in every cell. The reawakening of feminine wisdom, love and empathic leadership is now more important than ever!


The 10 Mahavidyas, the Wisdom Goddesses to whom this retreat is dedicated, awaken this sleeping potential. They're archetypes of our psyche that create a profound inner resonance and remind us of aspects of ourselves. In spite of their sometimes terrifying manifestations, they are deeply benevolent forces that guide us with wisdom and invoke a sense of humility on our spiritual path.

Basically there is only one power, one consciousness, one source of love in the universe - it is called Shakti, Ma, Devi or Divine Mother. In all its manifold forms only She is...


Auroville is located on the coast of the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, not far from Pondicherry

Auroville sees itself as a universal city where people of all countries can live together in peace and harmony, regardless of classification. The declared goal of Auroville is to unite humanity.
Auroville was founded 50 years ago, following the vision of Sri Aurobindo and "the Mother". On a barren erroded land settlements were created, trees where planted and the utopian "city" was founded. Today the area is covered by lush forest, in which many communities, guesthouses, production units and restaurants are lie romantically hidden. Our guesthouse is located between Auroville and the beachside.


During these 2 weeks, our focus is on getting to know the different facets of the creative power, Shakti, the primeval feminine power and to find it in us. We honor and celebrate this power and understand everything, including ourselves, as divine expressions.

Lessons in the mornings

The mornings are our practice time. We start the day with meditation and chanting mantras.

After breakfast, we dive into the practice of the day, inspired by the 10 Wisdom Goddesses. We practice Saundarya Yoga...Pranayamas, Mantras, Mudras, Kriyas, gentle Asanas, Meditation...


On 1 or 2 afternoons we will hold a "Yogini Temple" women's circle. We'll share the power of mutual support on the spiritual path. We let the creative power flow and express itself ... in dance, in words, in movement, in respectful touch...


In the afternoons we have  changing program. Sometimes we will make small trips together in and around Auroville... to the beach, to my dearest temples, to events in Auroville, to Pondicherry to the ashram of Sri Aurobindo, to visit the Matrimandir, ... Some afternoons will be free so that you can relax and integrate.  The second half of the day serves both the integration and the deepening of the theme of the day. 



We travel to Tiruvanamalai to visit the sacred mount Arunachala and the ashram of Ramana Maharshi. In honor of Shiva, Shakti's husband inseparably linked to her. He represents the universal consciousness, the presence that permeates all creation.

Highlights of the program

  • Saundarya Yoga - Kriyas, Meditations, Pranayamas, Mantras, Mudras, Chanting...

  • Women's circles in the style of Awakening Women Institute

  • Excursions in and around Auroville

  • Excursion to Tiruvanamalai/Arunachala, Pondicherry...

Sabine H.

If you think of participating in the Devi's Daughters program, just click that REGISTER button and let a wonderful experience begin. Saraswati had a devotional, sensitive and powerful way of making us understand the essence of the Mahavidyas.Euch day we connected with one of the tantric Goddesses in theory and practice. Mantra chanting, yoga poses, dancing, mudras, meditations, awareness practices - so much diversity.
In the afternoons there was an additional program to explore the vibrant surrounding, beach, temples in Auroville and the region. We had two wonderful weeks with deep experiences and a lot of laughter.

Thank you dear Saraswati!

Elisabeth Kribernegg

The world of Indian Goddesses touched me deeply. When you are open to listen and feel deeply, you will be able to apply these wisdoms in your own life and experience an incredible joy and lightness. I recommend this work to every sentient being.


Retreat prize:

Euro 1300.-


"Girlfriends - Price"

Register together and both of you will get 100 Euro discount!





  • Accommodation in double rooms with attached bathrooms

  • 3 organic vegetarian meals a day

  • Classes with Saraswati

  • 1x group taxi to and from Tiruvanamalai

  • 1x taxi ride to and from Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Ponicherry

  • 1x taxi ride to and from the beach

  • Visit Matri- Mandir


Not included:

  • International flight to Chennai

  • Taxi to and from Auroville

  • Meals on 1-2 days in Tiruvanamalai

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